Sure @Moses_Mutesasira
Every one feel free to join todays’ dev call
Can we have some one to volunteer lead tomorrow’s call ??
I think we will be selecting a different person every week to have every one participate
@Moses_Mutesasira Do you mean any GSoC contributor or anyone other than GSoC contributors?
Any one in the community
Sure Moses,
I will be able to lead the call
Hey @Moses_Mutesasira am also UP for it
Thanks @aditya you can take on the lead for this week’s call
hello everyone Launch Meeting - Zoom
Hello everyone Launch Meeting - Zoom
Hello @Agaba_Derrick_Junior is the weekly call still at the mentioned time every thursday or there’s a change.
Hey @njiddasalifu it will happen at the same time on Thursday of every week there are no changes.
On this Thread , Community members should feel free to propose any topics for discussion in the call