DevDiscussion Break Happening Weekly every Thursday at 17:30-18:00 GMT

Dear community,
I have been inspired by an idea that I would like to share with our community, DevDiscussion Break
I would suggest having a virtual break where developers gather for a dedicated time like 15, 30, or more to discuss various problems, and bugs, and share possible solutions.
I believe implementing such an idea would be immensely beneficial to many, especially ahead of the GSoC journey where we are heading and the various implementations in the future. This designated virtual break time will bring devs together, help them improve on various skills, and also guide them more on the future implementations we ought to have. This virtual format will allow developers from different locations to participate and share their insights, fostering a stronger sense of community and enabling a wider exchange of knowledge and expertise.

I’m pretty excited about this, but I’d love to hear what you think.


Thanks @Agaba_Derrick_Junior .
I agree.
Can people try suggest a common time for this ??
Ive suggested some Time slots below . you can vote which is best for you
cc @rahul6603 @tendomart @thembo42 @basrem

  • 14:00 - 14:30 GMT Tuesday
  • 17:00-17:30 GMT Tuesday
  • 14:00 - 14:30 GMT Wednesday
  • 14:00 - 14:30 GMT Thursday
  • 17:00-17:30 GMT Thusrday
0 voters

Definitely seems like a nice idea, looking forward for the discussions!

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Same here, it will be eye opening.

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Hey community,
there has been great feedback from the community towards this great initiative, and since the community expressed great enthusiasm towards the idea,hoping to explore the next step towards this initiative
@Moses_Mutesasira @tendomart @thembo42 @caseyi @rahul6603 @basrem

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Thanks @Agaba_Derrick_Junior ,
So we will be having dev calls starting this week at 17:00-17:30 GMT every Thursday

OpenELIS Community Dev Call
Thursday, January 25 · 8:00 – 9:00pm
Time zone: Africa/Nairobi
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(UG) +256 41 4238009‬ PIN: ‪664 432 839 3587‬#
More phone numbers:


Just a reminder that our first dev call is in less than 30minutes

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I missed yesterdays call : (
I hope i haven’t missed any important thing
If possible can we get some outline of yesterdays community call !

Thank You

Hey @Moses_Mutesasira do we have community call today ??

Yes we do.

Please every one feel free to suggest any topic/blocker you would want us to talk about.

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hello @Moses_Mutesasira, i have encountered another error when i run docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml up -d now i tried out various things like trying to delect the openelis netwrok to trying to remove the active end point in that very network but all seem to fail, here’s a screen short fo it

anyone with any idea on how to do this

what does docker network ls return ??

the command list all the networks through which the docker containers are running
so there’s openlis network, openmrs and so forth. @Moses_Mutesasira

  1. stop all containers
    docker stop $(docker ps -q)

  2. clean up unused or dangling Docker objects
    docker system prune

Then attempt to spin up again

it worked and buil but still running into this error

any ideas on this

because when i check my dev.docker-compose.yml file, the path; /home/ssegujja/OpenELIS-Global-2/target/OpenELIS-Global.war exists

did you do the maven build ?
Looks like you don’t have a built war file in your local environment to mount into the container

i have solved it by replacing it with the full path name; ./home/ssegujja/OpenELIS-Global-2/target/OpenELIS-Global.war instead of /OpenELIS-Global-2/target/OpenELIS-Global.war

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