Invitation to OpenELIS Community Slack Channel

Please feel free to post here, we will be checking it and it’s active. Most of our communication tends to happen on slack though. If you would like an invite to the community slack channels, please just post!

I would request for any documentation on how to set up the development environment if any.

Thanks @caseyi
kindly i need an invite to slack;


Hi @caseyi
I would also love to be invited to the slack channel;

@Mulwana_simon ,
If you find that natively setting up the dev_enviroment especially installing and configuring Tomcat is tedious ,

The simple alternative is to just do the builds (ie maven and npm) from your local dev environment and mount the locally compiled artifacts into OpenELIS containers . see Running OpenELIS In Docker with Mounted locally Compiled Artifacts

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Thanks alot for the help but am getting this error while initializing and building submodules.

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project openelisglobal: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openelisglobal:openelisglobal:war: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.itech:dataexport-api:jar: (absent): Could not find artifact org.itech:dataexport-api:jar: in openmrs-repo (JFrog) → [Help 1]

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did you initialise and build the submodule before attempting to build the main project

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That’s what i was doing and it brought that error.

which version of java are you using?

@Mulwana_simon , unless you ddnt post the right error logs.
The error log suggests there’s a missing dependence org.itech:dataexport-api:jar: while trying to build the main OpenELIS project.

It means you’re trying to build the OpenELIS project before building the dataeport subproject

Can you post here all the commands you’re running in there order ??

Hi @caseyi, I received the invite however, it showed that I could only join if I had a paid plan for Slack and currently I am using the free version :smiling_face_with_tear:
Any suggestions to help me out are highly appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

HI @caseyi would love to be invited to the slack channel of

I request to be added to the slack
channel too.

Thanks. @caseyi

hi @caseyi
can you kindly invite me to slack

Hey @caseyi
Would like to get invited to slack channel :
Thanks :slight_smile:

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Sorry for the delay, I think the admin added you as the wrong account type, I will get that sorted!

Okay, we have got all these invites in the queue! Thanks for your patience!

Hi @caseyi I would also like to be invited to the slack channel, my email is :

@caseyi and finally the late comer to the party