GSoC 2024 - Enhanced Search Functionality for OpenELIS

Community Bonding Period (May 1 - 26)

I had an insightful call with my mentor @Moses_Mutesasira to discuss and refine our project plan, particularly the low-level design of the Search Patient module. Here is a brief summary of the existing and proposed solutions that we discussed -

Existing solution

The current implementation of the patient search functionality is structured around a controller method getPatientResults, a service layer using the interface SearchResultsService and its implementation SearchResultsServiceImpl, and a Data Access Object (DAO) using the interface SearchResultsDAO and its implementation SearchResultsDAOImp.

Proposed Solution

  • We will create a new implementation of the SearchResultsService interface in the service layer, called LuceneSearchResultsService and a new implementation of the SearchResultsDAO interface, called LuceneSearchResultsDAO.

  • We will modify the existing service layer implementation SearchResultsServiceImpl to DatabaseSearchResultsService and the existing DAO implementation SearchResultsDAOImp to DatabaseSearchResultsDAO.

The coding period officially starts on May 27 and before that, I will focusing on learning more about Apache Lucene search queries and finalising the project plan with my mentor.

CC: @Moses_Mutesasira

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