Artifact: Improved 3x UI Responsivenes across different devices
I understand that much of our new feature work, including the New UI / UX , came in OpenELIS 3!
This project comes right in at the right time to improve the responsiveness for different screen sizes ie Large(Desktop) and medium (Tablet) or small laptops
with core objectives off the top of the head(i suggest);
- Responsive Design Implementation
- Usability Enhancements
The question here is;
Do we have designs existent to illustrate the display of the different scenarios?
Do we have a mechanism of handing off these designs for development?
Any ideas and resources are highly welcome.
@cliffgita @Moses_Mutesasira @caseyi
Thanks @thembo42 for starting this thread .
Well start brainstorming ideas here
@thembo42 @Moses_Mutesasira i’ll suggest if there are no designs yet for different devices, the team should review the existing design and create simple wireframes to show how the ui adjust to tabs and small laptops or rather set up a design team (if none) to create a design.
As part of the proposal , the contributor can suggest some designs , as long as they don’t change the default page on the desktop
Basically, to pull this off, one needs a solid ui/ux cap and dev cap, right
Just a side note(i know its out of the scope):
what does it take to have a collaboration space for both ui/ux designers and devs?