There is mention of an ova (VirtualBox VM) download at https://openelis-global.org/getting-started/ but the link goes to nowhere.
May I please have the updated link please as I’d like to import it into my VirtualBox setup.
There is mention of an ova (VirtualBox VM) download at https://openelis-global.org/getting-started/ but the link goes to nowhere.
May I please have the updated link please as I’d like to import it into my VirtualBox setup.
We are tagging the final 2.1 release on Tuesday, and I’ll create a VM then. For now, here is a Beta version: https://itechcotedivoire-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/casey_itech-cotedivoire_org/Eem2VDurueJIhMB6bHBjdsMBc313LZHSe8H-L7axlXr4vw?e=nrtmo3
vm root user: openelis pass: itech
login: admin pass: adminADMIN!
Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I’ll download the beta knowing it’s a beta (and may have issues or quirks) and look forward to the finalized VM to be released soon.
Thanks again!
Sorry, one quick question or request that docs be updated. VM is up and running but I wasn’t able to browse to the OpenELIS instance - the docs mention port 8080 but I believe it s 8443. Thanks again, amd looking forward to the finalized VM!
Thanks, I’ll update it: https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443/OpenELIS-Global/Home.do is the proper syntax
Hi Casey - I noticed that there is a separate guthub for OpenELIS 2.1 which was just released. Is there a VM for that?
Secondly, the new Global site doesn’t seem to have a lot of documentation, and I was wondering how I may obtain copies of the example Jasper reports that are part of the default install? I’d like to create some simple barcode labels in Jasper and install them in my test instance, and using pre-existing reports would really help me learn the basic data model.
Thanks for your time!
Please find the VM here, same openelis/itech user name and password, and the consolidated lab data server not configured.
For the reports, you can find them here: https://github.com/I-TECH-UW/OpenELIS-Global-2/tree/develop/src/main/resources/reports
By the way, you have good timing, I just finished with that Vm
Wow … thank you so much for being so responsive despite how busy I’m sure you and the team are. I’ll have some fun exploring the reports and the new VM!
So sorry to bug you Casey, but I ran into an issue with the VM (duplicate values in select list) - is this expected behavior? Seems odd one can’t edit a test and remove items from the select list. Any time I edit the test it seems to save an additional duplicate of the existing lost of values entries. Can you point me to spend documentation that covers this? I’m wondering if it’s a bug or a simple config issue within the OpenELIS setup in the VM.