Requesting To cotribute or work on the intergration Test project out side GSoC

helloE everyone
i would like to contribute the prevous listed GSoC listed project of creating Integration tests and adding them to the openlis application
Integration tests in Java involve testing the interactions between various components or modules of your application. These tests ensure that different modules work correctly together and ensure the seamless functioning of the entire system.
The primary Goal is to Improve Integration Tests Coverage for the critical components with in the application

My objectives to achieve this goal are as follows

  • Set Up Test Environment: Prepare the test environment by configuring any necessary dependencies, such as databases, external services, or message brokers. Most o f these configuration are already set, only that i want to include the DbUnit library so can be able to use Dataset Xml files to load data in the the data base at runtime
    To achieve this i will include a maven DbUnit dependency in the POM.xml file
  • And then write a utility class that is invoked each time a test runs at runtime, this brings about test isolation which makes it easy to test and debugger the system.
    This is to configure the dbUnit library so that it can pick up the Data set xml files to load them in the database at runtime. This class will be called in each test class to inject the required dummy data in the database at runtime.
    The class will extent the DBTestCase so as to use the getDataSet() to read the data from the xml file to inject it in the database at runtime

protected IDataSet getDataSet() throws Exception
return new FlatXmlDataSetBuilder().build(new FileInputStream(datasetName()));

  • Then proceed in making the integration test using this utility class plus the already in-built to make the database connection and transfer the data from the xml file to the database.
    I will start by improving the already integrated test of patient service and person service class.

Ofcourse if this is approved and i am assigned a mentor to direct me in the right path, to impove or create new approaches to add onto my suggestions, with my effort plus the Mentor’s experience will make this project a success

Cc. @Moses_Mutesasira


Hey @segujja_joseph ,
Great initiative :rocket:


@segujja_joseph Nice having you !! great initiative although am working on this, would actually need your hand in


great! will be looking forward to work with you