Someone guide me to setup OpenElis in windows

My name is Vishal . Currently completed with CS in 2024I am skilled in Microservice, Kubernate, SQL, Networking , Java & React js. I want to contribute in Open Elis effort for changing codebase from JSP to React js.I believe that I am well suited for this and will give my best.

But before that I want to know how to setup it on windows. I only got articles related to Mac in this regard. Can we install it directly in Window OS without use of Docker?

Laptop configuration of mine are 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, I3 processor.

Kindly let me know that Is there anything else required for setting up it in my Laptop .

Best regards to everyone .

Hello @Vishal_Goel .
OpenELIS is dockerized and in theory Docker is platform agnostic.

Can you try Installing Docker Desktop and try with this OpenELIS docker-setup

hello @Vishal_Goel i hope you have WSL (windows subsystem Linux) is installed in your windows machine. If it installed will be very straight forwarded process just follow the docs.

and If not installed then either you can try github code spaces to access the repo online ( internet must be strong here ) !

let me know if you have any issues :slightly_smiling_face:

Hii, @Moses_Mutesasira , @caseyi , Herbert Yiga, Brynn McKinney

I am Yash Patel from India. Currently 3rd year undergrad student at the National Institute of Technology, Surat. I am looking out to the OpenELIS-Global(GitHub - I-TECH-UW/OpenELIS-Global-2: OpenELIS 2.X is a rewrite of the original OpenELIS global with updated components and technology) and had some overview on repo. I found it very interesting and exciting to contribute to it.

I am going through the problem statements and project name Re-Write Test management components in React excited me to work with. Also, it matches my tech stack of react and typescripts. I am going through the documentation and developer guide of this and start with setup. For now, I haven’t any proper communication medium it would be really helpful if you could assist me through this for better clarity.

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Hii, @Moses_Mutesasira , @caseyi

My openElis setup is done locally using docker but now for proceeding furture I have some doubts, is it possible to connect anywhere for better communications as it would be really helpful for me.


can you share the docker logs of the openelis-webapp container!


@Yash_Patel can you try to re run the docker container using dev.docker-compose.ymal file ??

and send the logs openelis-webapp : last 10 lines

Here is what i get…

@Yash_Patel your webapp container looks fine continue the development process

Hello all ,My name Is Soham pal .I am trying to install the open elis on docker but their is one container which is not working can I know what steps should I take in order to make it work .

oe-certs it is working .
It would be a great help for me .

Can you acces the web app in your browser ??

After setting up project locally using docker . I am trying to access localhost pages of project but it is redirecting me to authentication page of /login . I am giving it username: admin , pass: adminAdMIN! but it always shows wrong username/password .
Is this credentials are incorrect?
Pls guide @Moses_Mutesasira

hey @rishisulakhe
yess these credentials are correct!

can you share the logs of openelis-webapp container last 10 lines

@aditya Thanks for checking this . Here is the some last logs of openelis-webapp container


not these containers exactly @rishisulakhe can you share logs of openelisglobal-webapp container


Sure @aditya .

facing same issue here, I believe there’s some intermediate step to installation not in the doc that we might’ve missed? @aditya


as i can see your docker setup is working fine!

please wait like 3-4 mints before after restarting webapp docker container loads some dependency since that it take time.

@adityaa @rishisulakhe

I hope you both are using dev.docker-compose,yml file to run the setup

can you please confirm !

thank You

Yes I am.

I found this in the webapp container logs:

2025-01-05 23:20:09 2025-01-05T20:50:09.848+0300 -- ERROR -- Class: org.openelisglobal.config.CreateAdminUserTask, Method: createAdminUser, Line: 67, Message: could not create default admin user as password was not complex enough

could this be the issue?