hello devs, I am I on the right truck ???
seeking for your guidance …
Its just a warning. No harm
any advice ?? cause i was still setting up the environment following this
docker-compose -f build.docker-compose.yml up -d --build
upon running the above command, i got something like this,
Restart your nginix by following that and we see what happens
I woudnt recomend using docker-compose -f build.docker-compose.yml up -d
as it will build new images from scrach.
Use docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml up -d
to pull published images and run with mounted local artifacts
see Instructions
thanks dev, i have the following results after following the instructions
did you update and clone your submodules ??
git submodule update --init --recursive
yes sir, and this is what Im getting
after running git submodule update --init --recursive and cd to dataexport,
then running this mvn clean install -DskipTests, i come up with this
MAVEN is installed in you device ?? [ if you don’t have installed it ]
java 11 version is used by project [ if you don’t have that install it ]
Then run these steps again
i have done some checkup, this is the outcome
ERROR : could not create parent directories
run ls -la
in main project directory and send screenshot
directory permission looks fine still once RUN ls -la
not ls -ls
still every permission look fine
so now reboot the machine and try
and hope it should work