Welcome! Please introduce yourself

I am XuZerui from China. Currently, I am pursuing a dual master’s degree in computer science at Hangzhou Dianzi University (China) and the University of Yamanashi (Japan). My research focus is on medical image segmentation using deep learning. However, I am also highly interested in Java technologies based on the Spring framework.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the task of ‘Improving OpenELIS Search Operations.’ I am eager to be a part of OpenELIS in GSoC 2024, as I have a strong interest in optimizing search operations and believe that this project aligns well with my skills and goals.

With experience in Java and Spring, I am eager to apply these skills to enhance the search functionality in OpenELIS. In my plan, I intend to start by analyzing the current search implementation to identify potential areas for optimization. Subsequently, I will propose a plan for improving search operations and seek feedback from the community.

I look forward to making contributions to the project and collaborating with the community!


Welcome @akashjaiswal

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Welcome @amikeco and all the best as you pursue your dreams

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Hello everyone!
My name is Rahul (my github), I am a student at National Institute of Technology Karnataka in India. I am looking forward to contribute to the project and collaborate with the community!

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I am ISABIRYE ELIJAH am so much pleased to join openLis and Am a mentored student basically in java language i have joined to learn more from those other people

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Hi @ELAI hope this wiki here will be of great help to get you kick-started.

Actually thanks so much

Hello, I am Keshav Malik from India, currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Technology program, specializing in Computer Science.

My GitHub profile can be found here: Keshav-0907 (Keshav Malik) · GitHub
I am eager to contribute my skills and knowledge to further the objectives of the OpenELIS project.



hey @keshav-0907 have you had a chance to look at the openelis-global wiki, will be of great help to get you started

Thats an old OpenELIS project which was migrated to the Current Project
Refer to the current docs

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@Moses_Mutesasira noted

Hello myself Bilal Shaikh. I 3rd year engineering Collage student from India.I Have my hands on MERN stack and I know react,typeScript very well.I have also contriuted to small Open Source organizations.Looking forward I would like to use my passion and Skills to contribute in OPENELIS and try to make some remarkable difference in the org which help in org growth and develpoment.

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hey @Bilal_Shaikh welcome to OpenElis have you had time to look at The OpenELIS Global 2.0 Documentation?

yes @Agaba_Derrick_Junior I have already gone through documentation and also I am working on a issue from our Github page . Thanks for the assistance .

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Hello everyone,

My name is Aditya, a college student from India. I have experience working on MERN stack, T3-Stack, and a few frontend libraries like React, Nuxt, Vue, and Next.js. I have also made some open-source contributions to different organizations.

I am looking forward to contributing to OpenELIS with my code and making a significant impact on the Public Health Sector.

Thank You

Hello, I am Asiimwe Tessie, a first year electrical engineering student at Makerere University in Uganda. I have been self-teaching front-end web development and I’m looking to learn more and grow my understanding and knowledge while contributing to the open source community.


Hey OpenELIS Community! :wave: I’m Manish Jha , a MERN stack developer from India with a knack for crafting elegant and efficient web applications using TypeScript. :rocket: I’m passionate about leveraging technology for social good, and I’m thrilled to join the OPENELIS community where I can combine my skills with your mission to make a real difference.:earth_africa:I’m particularly excited to contribute and learn from the brilliant minds here. Let’s build together ! :bulb:.


Welcome @Manish and @Tessie


welcome @Tessie and @Manish


Hello everyone, I am Vivek Jaiswal a Pre-Final CSE B.Tech year student. I have experience in MERN stack, JS, TS, CI/CD, Containerization etc. I am new to GSoC and very much excited to contribute to this organization.