Attention all GSoC applicants! 🚨

Today is the big day! :date: The GSoC application deadline is fast approaching, and you have until 18:00 UTC to submit your final applications. :alarm_clock: Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity and journey of Gsoc 2024 :globe_with_meridians:

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to put the finishing touches on your application and hit that submit button. :rocket: Our hard work and dedication have brought us this far! :muscle:

  • Don’t wait until the last minute! Try to submit early so you can refine your application based on feedback. :alarm_clock:
    Most importantly! Remember, be innovative! :bulb:

GSoC journey with OpenELIS Global! :four_leaf_clover::star2: Let’s make this year’s GSoC the best one yet! :dizzy:

#GSoC #OpenELISGlobal #DeadlineDay #GoodLuck :rocket::tada:


thanks @Agaba_Derrick_Junior

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Hey @Agaba_Derrick_Junior Based on feedback? do you guys recieved feedback?

I wasnt knowing that we will be getting feedback or else i would have submitted earlier only! Is there any way i can get feedback now?

@ravi what feed back exactly are we talking about, we follow the Gsoc Timeline for the whole program !

Thank you, @Agaba_Derrick_Junior, for the update.

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