GSoC 2024 - Rewrite Admin Page components from JSP to React - Final Presentation

Hello Everyone :wave:,

GSoC 2024 Final Presentation of Project - Rewrite Admin Page Components from JSP to React

The OpenELIS Global project focuses on modernizing(UI/UX) the laboratory information system by migrating admin pages from JSP to ReactJS, enhancing user experience, and transitioning from MVC architecture to REST controllers for better data handling. The backend leverages Java, Spring Boot, and Maven to ensure seamless integration.

Key Contributions:

  • Migrated 80% of admin pages to ReactJS, with the remaining complex pages targeted for completion by GSoC’s end.

  • Integrated French translations across all pages to support global usage.

  • Rewritten MVC controllers to REST endpoints, enabling JSON-based data exchange.

  • Significant code contributions: 25K lines merged with 91 commits.

  • Successfully merged PRs here

  • In Progress PRS here

Video Glimpse of my work done

Challenges & Learnings:

  • Worked On Maven project setup and Spring Boot.
  • Transitioned from MVC to REST architecture.
  • Managed complex rendering and state Management in ReactJS.
  • Debugged and resolved user edge cases.

Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to my mentor, the org admins, and community members for their unwavering support. This experience has been incredibly educational and rewarding, and I’m grateful to have contributed to such a meaningful project.

More Detailed Version Of This Topic here
CC : @Moses_Mutesasira @Gita_cliff @rahul6603 @Manish @vivekramakrishnakona