GSoC Final Submision (August 19 - 26)

Hello GSOC Contributors,
This is a reminder about the GSOC final Submision .
This will invlove creating a final report about the “final report” that contains:

  • A short description of the goals of the project.
  • What you did.
  • The current state.
  • What’s left to do.
  • What code got merged (or not) upstream.
  • Any challenges or important things you learned during the project.

This will require GSOC Contributors to create

  1. Final presentation Talk post
  2. Creating a Blog post on Medium

Contributors will need to post a new topic on OpenELIS Talk, titled ‘GSoC 2019 - Project Title - Final Presentation’, using the same format and details as your blog post, and make sure to tag these with gsoc2024-finaleval and gsoc2024

Deadline for the Final Submission is August 26


Note that youll share the Link for your medium Blog Post on your Final Submission Talk Post and also in your Final Submission form on the GSOC Dasboard