Dev environment setup issue (Frontend : not authenticated even though backend api is running)

Not able to run the frontend as it says not authenticated , could use some guidance. Any help would be appreciated .

hello @Abhishek_panda , there is a solution for this right here Error "Not Authenticated", read through and follow that thread if you have any challenges

Thank you , The issue seems to be solved for the time being .


@tasksolver Facing Same issues and tried solution but still facing same things

@tasksolver And can’t see a box on login page to enter credential

please help me i m stuck on this from many Days?

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@TheRedCoderX . You can follow this thread Error "Not Authenticated" and also remove 8080 and use this url https://localhost/ instead.

@TheRedCoderX ,from taking a quick look at your screenshots , the backend webapp seems not to be running.

can you run docker ps and share your screen ??

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Sorry its seems to foolish that i am unable to setup but i did not used Docker before that why its so confusing for me

@TheRedCoderX can you run container using dev.docker-compose.yml file and send the logs of docker logs openelisglobal-webapp --tail 150

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it is totally fine, feel free to ask

@Tasksolver @mozzymutesa @Agaba_Derrick_Junior

Hey got this on running mvn clean install -DskipTests

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@Moses_Mutesasira @Agaba_Derrick_Junior @tasksolver

As mentioned in Above solution in Error Not Aunthenticated on running last command I got this Message Error response

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@TheRedCoderX the whole issue as mentioned by @Moses_Mutesasira is that the webapp cotainer is not starting with the rest of the containers for some reasons,
ideally ;
we have to trouble shoot by
Pull the latest Image changes
docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml pull

Remove the containers
docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml down

Recreate the containers

docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml up -d  --no-deps --force-recreate          

try troubleshooting with this if it doesnt work we could schedule some 30 min call and debug it together


Ya! let’s try this also

have you tried the above and it didnt work ? any progress

This is becuase your mvn build failed and the war file wasnt generated

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run this and share your screen

mvn -v

I tried the above but after everything
Container openelisglobal-webapp is not starting Just give a message of error Response from dameon

You dont have a generated war file in your local enviroment

what does mvn -v return on your terminal ?

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