GSOC 2024 :Add Support for User UI Notifications

In this thread, I will be sharing updates regarding the project, including progress and any blockers, if present.

cc : @Moses_Mutesasira @caseyi @Herbert


EOD 07/05/24

  • Made a draft Pr Link

What’s Next

  • Complete NCE Pages
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EOD 18/05/23

  • Re-written NCE Corrective Actions page 1036
  • Removed NonConformingEventDetails and ViewNonConformEventsResponse bean
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EOD 28/05/23

  • Worked on Notifcation UX in FE and shared the same with mentors for Feedback.

What’s Next

  • Work on BE for storing Notification data(table).

EOD 01/06/24 - 02/06/24

  • Fixed styling of Notification Slide over
  • Worked on Creating Table and Integrating Rest Controller For Notifications

EOD 04/06/24 - 06/06/24

  • Currently undergoing few spring resource for better understanding of CRUD on Tables
  • worked on ways to make higher level of abstraction for CRUD and Mapping relations between tables

EOD 09/06/24 - 11/06/24

  • Fixed Error Notification table not being able to auto create by using Liquibase
  • Created sample post notification (working fine)

Current Blockers

  • Jackson unable to parse timeStamp with timezone throwing error tried to fix it by updating the dependencies but didn’t worked should work on it

EOD 20/06/24 - 23/06/24

  • Worked on UI of Inner components for Notification SlideOver
  • Implemented Sample Test Functionality for Notifying other users
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EOD 01/07/24 - 02/07/24

  • Completed Basic Implementation
  • Integrated markanotification as read functionality
  • minor UI enhancements

What’s Next

  • complete mark All as read functionlaity
  • UI fixes
  • Evaluate and update based on mentor’s Feedback

EOD 11/07/24 - 12/07/24

  • worked on Implementing Service Worker
  • Created New notification_subscription table for storing the subscription details

Current Blockers

  • Service worker is not activating due to SSL and Proxy Error (may be because of Missing Certs)
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EOD 18/07/24 - 19/07/24

  • Generated self-signed certificates and attempted various methods to resolve the SSL error.
  • Need to work on Nginx, certificates, and proxy configurations for a better understanding and to fix the SSL error.

EOD 23/07/24 - 25/07/24

  • Was ablve to Fix the Service worker by changing settingschrome://flags
  • Had Multiple debugging sessions and calls to Fix it

What’s Next?

  • Completed End to End working of Web Push and make PR