Doubt Regarding GSOC

Hello @Moses_Mutesasira @reagan @Herbert ,

could you please tell us which project proposal idea holds the highest priority for slot allocation?

We would greatly appreciate it if you could share the priority of project ideas for slots!

Is the idea that is published on openELIS website is the ranking or the priority of ideas?

or it will change according to contributors contribution and proposal?

Also how much slot openELIS is expecting ?

Hey @Moses_Mutesasira, I’ve heard that new organizations get two slots at maximum , is that true? You can find more information here

I am super excited to see who will be selected

I see only few two or three made valid PRs which are very challenging and time consuming rest of them most PRs related to responsive

I hope the best contributors will be selected

and @ravi answering your question mostly I guess the ranking depends on the contributor maybe
if @Moses_Mutesasira wants the contributor can work on any project rather than what applied

but now my concern is now what will be the deciding factor

no of PRs or the challenging PRs

if no of PRs people who made responsive PRs are very easy many had them, if challenging ; people who made re-writing reports those are challenging

can’t wait even though I applied to e2e tests for my project not sure I will be selected :smiling_face_with_tear:

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But sad to listen :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:,
only 2 contributors for a new organization

Hey It depends,

sometime Google occasionally gives more slots for new organizations.

now the game Soley depends on the ranking

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It depends on ranking by @Moses_Mutesasira but of course the PRs are dominated by @Manish and @vivekramakrishnakona

I feel a bit insecure

but my proposal is Strong and good enough

@ravi I hope that GSoC is not really the definition of open-source, If you don’t make it to day please don’t worry keep contributing to open-source . You know and understand your passion please kindly follow your goal and unlock your potential.

And also I would like to remind you this, If you can believe in yourself and feel secured you will conquer the world, please you can make it too :mechanical_arm:. No more discussions on who will or not be admitted until the final day 1st May.



@ravi ,
Have you had a chance to Look at the full GSOC Timeline ??
Accepted GSoC contributor projects will be announced by Google on May 1


I think there is a confusion @Moses_Mutesasira i was only asking about the project idea ranking that you have to do by your end

(not the proposal ranking and also not about the result)

I totally agree with @valens but valens i was not asking about who will get admitted i was just asking about the project idea ranking for gsoc like the priorities of projects

Hello @ravi . i think you need to be patient about this, @Moses_Mutesasira and the team will provide all neccessary information.

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