System Eror Error : JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

Its not able to start the instance.
Can we kindly jump on call?

re installing fresh docker instance to see what happens

Its up now @Moses_Mutesasira

is it running fine now ??
It should be an issue with your dev environment

Yes its running fine now.
Sure, I think my docker installation was corrupted a bit, and then I realised you pushed some minor changes to the docker compose file yesterday, so I pulled all that.

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hello @mozzymutesa am getting again this annoying blank screen;

Anything you can infer from this log please?

have tried to hack around, but seems to persist

thank you

OpenELIS backend works fine.
can you share the logs for the front-end container ??

can make sure you pull the latest front-end image ??

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The Failure is caused by.

 1. ERROR in ./src/components/common/PatientHeader.js 7:0-34

2. Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react-avatar' in '/app/src/components/common'

* ERROR in ./src/components/common/PatientHeader.js 8:0-36

3. Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'geopattern' in '/app/src/components/common'
  • Pull the latest Image changes
    docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml pull ,

  • Remove the containers
    docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml down ,

  • Start them again
    docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml up -d ,

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Am up now!
thanks @Moses_Mutesasira

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